Membership Commitments

I affirm my faith in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and have identified with Him through believer’s baptism. I agree with the Calvary Baptist Church Statement of Faith, and commit myself to this body of believers to fulfill the New Testament work of the local church, including the following:

1. I will participate in the weekly worship services and respond to the preaching of God’s Word as His Spirit leads.  Heb 10:25; 1 Thess 2:13; 1 Cor 11:23–34

2. I will honor the Lord with systematic support of His work through regular tithes and offerings.  Mal 3:10; 1 Cor 16:1–2; 2 Cor 9:7–8

3. I will walk faithfully with Christ through Bible study and prayer, and will seek to live in a manner consistent with His Word.  2 Tim 2:15, 20–22

4. I will relate to my fellow members in love, avoiding gossip, anger and resentment. I will exercise the grace, kindness and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.  Col 3:12–16

5. I will participate in opportunities for spiritual growth as the Lord leads and as my schedule allows, such as adult Bible fellowships, revival services and conferences.  Eph 4:11–16

6. I will love and nurture the members of my immediate family according to the teachings of God’s Word. I will teach my family the Word, applying its truths to our lives.  Eph 6:4; Deut 6:6–9

7. I will find a place to serve in the body where I may exercise my spiritual gifts to advance Christ’s work.  Rom 12:4–8; 1 Peter 4:10

8. I will cultivate a servant’s heart toward my fellow members, praying for and supporting those who suffer.  1 Cor 12:25–27; Gal 6:2

9. I will share the Gospel with those in my family and community. I will reach out with the love of Christ to my friends and neighbors. I will support and pray for the missionaries our church is helping to send around the world.  Matt 28:18–20; Acts 1:8

10. I will abstain from fleshly desires that would bring an approach against my testimony as a Christian or my Church.  1 Peter 2:11

David Beatty
Graduated from Pensacola Christian College in 2001 and Liberty University in 2005.

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