Music is one of the most important expressions of the soul and is usually tailored to the particular tastes of an individual. The country, region and culture in which a person is raised can influence their musical choices and taste in music. Without doubt, the country, region and culture influences the worship styles of Christians and Churches. This has caused strife, for good and wrong reasons. Some forms of musical expression are wrong while others are more preferential. Some churches don't define their music program and leave it up to the preferences of the song leader or the congregants. This can lead to a weak music program, or a music program that becomes unbalanced trying to mimic the world rather than lift up Christ.
With that in mind, here are Calvary's guiding principles for a music program.
1. We will be a singing church
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands...come before his presence with singing.
The Bible clear states that the LORD's people are to sing! We will have multiple volunteer vocalists and instrumentalists.
2. OUR MUSIC will be culturally conservative and inspirationally uplifting
The music we sing and listen to at Calvary will only be music that is traditionally considered conservative. We are not looking to imitate the world in style or substance. Nor are we trying to impress or attract the world through our music. We also believe that our music program should be inspirational and uplifting. Music that does not connect the hearts of the singers or listeners to the message is either entertainment, or liturgy.
3. Our music will be balanced in style and direction
Our music program will offer a variety of music that will encourage the sorrowful, reinforce the joyful, and magnify the glory of God.
4. our music will offer a pattern for believers to reasonably follow
Corporate singing will be easy for the unskilled singer to sing from their heart to the Lord. It will offer a pattern for believers to reasonably follow.
5. Culture and popular church movements will not dictate our music program
The purpose of our Corporate Worship program is not to attract the unsaved, but, again, to help us to glorify God.
6. Our music program, song selection, style, and presentation will not distract the hearers or participants from the message
Music that over-emphasizes performance or personalities over the message is distracting. Conversely, a program that emphasizes liturgy over liberty is empty.
7. Learning fresh new songs in singing in various styles is good
The worship pastor is literally pastoring the church through songs. His desire is to make a connection with the hearts of the people.