
Ecclesiastes: Overcoming the Overwhelmed Life 6/12

Are you tired of being tired? In this modern age of connectedness and availability more people have more stuff, more knowledge, and more credentials than at any moment in history. But we're finding that the endless pursuit of stuff leads to emptiness, brokenness, and an overwhelmed life. Solomon, who had everything we could ever want, said it was all vain and empty. In this series we look at the wisdom of Solomon and see how we can overcome the overwhelmed life. 

And I gave my heart to seek and search out wisdom concerning all things that are under heaven...I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold. all is vanity and vexation of spirit.   Ecclesiastes 1:13a,14


Passage: Ecclesiastes 1

Christians in the United States are more rich and connected compared to the rest of the world. However, we are paying a price. We have busy lives but decaying souls. In the rate race of life, we believe three lies: We can do it all, We deserve it all, and We can have it all. Thankfully, we have a Savior who satisfies!

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6/19 WEEK 2: Sabbath rest

Passage: Ecclesiastes 2

We live in a 24/7 world where there are infinite things to learn, infinite places to go, and infinite expectations. But God has made us finite beings. As finite beings we must understand the lifestyle of busyness and embrace the finiteness of life. You can't do it all! God's Word repeatedly tells is to rest. He even gave us a day to do that! 

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6/26 WEEK 3: seasons PEACE

Passage: Ecclesiastes 3

Do you wish life had one season: perfection and happiness? Solomon shows us that life has season and we should embrace them rather than dismiss them. Three truths about life's seasons: we marginalize the joys of the present, supersize the joys of the past, and dramatize the changing of seasons. Rather than fight every season of life, embrace them as a gift of God!

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7/3 WEEK 4: life isn't fair!

Passage: Ecclesiastes 4

Our society demands fairness and equality for all. And while this is an admirable pursuit, we must understand life will never be fair, and everyone will not be equal, until we get to Heaven. Rather than be preoccupied with fairness, let the unfairness of life help you realize we're just pilgrims on a journey to a home in Heaven where we will be ruled by our righteous and perfect Savior.

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7/17 WEEK 5: unrushed worship

Passage: Ecclesiastes 5

In this passage, Solomon is observing the ways in which the children of Israel worshipped God. Clearly they were preoccupied with the checklist of religiosity instead of a relationship with their God. In this lesson, we learn that sacrifice is more than what we do, it is to be who we are. 

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Passage: Ecclesiastes 6

We tell ourselves two lies: "What I have today is not good enough, but what I get tomorrow will be", and "When I get what I want, I will be able to enjoy it."  But God shows us that we can be satisfied in our salvation, in our labour, and in the daily blessings He gives us. Don't miss out on today!

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Passage: Ecclesiastes 7

Our default way of living is to engage in foolish and vain activities that lead to emptiness. In this passage, Solomon shows us that hardship, sorrow, and rebuke (though hard) develop us and help us grow in the wisdom of God.

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