Why Story brand?

As ministry workers, we live so closely to our ministries that it can become difficult to clearly communicate its purpose and why people should come. This results in ineffective implementation, low participation, and general confusion. Just think how many times we’ve started and sustained purposeless ministries and wondered why volunteers were not inspired to serve. 

It’s frustrating to put so much work and energy into planning and preparing for activities only to see the effort and time wasted due to low participation.

If there is any place that should model clarity of purpose and inspire people to serve it’s the local church.

In my searching for a communications model, I came across the StoryBrand framework. StoryBrand helps businesses and ministries clarify themselves through compelling stories

In preparation for launching a new ministry or activity, it is required that the leader spend some time creating the StoryBrand. Ryan Turner is available to help you craft your story and prepare you for shooting commercials, communicating next steps and preparing for launch day. Click the link below to download the framework and begin today.


Storybrand Framework





Calvary Baptist Church

Families are looking for a place that will clearly explain why they are here; a place that makes sense of what is going on in their life and a place to help them grow in their relationship with their Creator. 

The Christian has three enemies: 1) The world, who is trying to force you to follow its philosophy of happiness, acceptance and meaning; 2) The flesh, which is self-serving, self-deceiving, and self-destructive; and 3) The devil who ultimately orchestrates the powers of the world to deceive people from finding purpose.

It is "plain wrong" that Christians, or those seeking, can't find a succinct truth that helps them make sense of the world, but empowers them to help others make sense of the world.

We are all in the same boat -- we see the meaninglessness of the philosophy of our society, we've become disenchanted by the 'fools gold' and we are striving together to help others make sense of the senseless, and help people live a new life through Jesus Christ. "And so much the more as you see the day approaching."

We have educated teachers and preachers who can help you understand and make sense of the Bible, why you are here, and what purpose God has for you.

We have three unique learning environments for growth: 1) Sunday morning where we address the Bible in practical areas of our life through a lecture-style service; 2) Sunday evening is where others who are on the same journey as you ask and answer questions regarding the message they heard Sunday morning. Questions are given ahead of time and are designed to foster conversation and spur friendships. 3) Wednesday nights is reserved for the curious learner who is wanting to get deeper questions answered as we address head-on the complicated philosophical questions of God, the Bible, and the meaning of life.


We won't pressure you into make a decision. We believe that the first step is hearing the Word of God. He then begins working in your heart confirming the things that you read and hear are true. The end result is the faith you need to become a child of God. 


Visit and experience the church for yourself. Watch a service online. Read about how our church makes a difference.



You will find a place of belonging with likeminded people, inspirational preaching and teaching that will give you confidence in your faith and peace of mind, and a desire to grow more like Christ. The Bible says that the person who seeks will find. And he will give you the desires of your heart.


Attending a church that isn't answering your questions, but provides a nostalgic environment that gives you peace of mind. You might mistake the peace of mind found in nostalgia with the peace of mind that comes through clarity of the Gospel.

Helping your family learn and apply basic Bible truths.

Character: A person who doesn’t know about Calvary but has a need that is too big for them to solve. They are frustrated or uncertain about life or their eternity.

Transformation: Directionless person to a first time attendee at Calvary

Come & See

Guest to Attender

Character: First time guest that is unfamiliar with our campus, people, and our processes and unsure of what to expect
Need: Welcomed, accepted, and at ease
     E- Fear of the unknown
     I- Apprehension/Nervousness of where to go, who to talk to, what to do
     P- The guest should feel right at home
Guide: We have also visited new churches before and know what that feels like
Authority: Host/Hostess is expert in answering questions
Plan: Park, greeting by host/hostess, guide to right location, help family get into appropriate age groups, show where refreshments are located, and help  aid in seat location
Call to Action: We feel like we can meet your needs, Please come visit
Transitional Call to Action: (Future) Click here to schedule the visit
Result: Life changing experience

Transformation: Unchurched to regular attender.

Attender to Member

Every Christian is looking for a community of believers to grow with. A community that shares the same Biblical values and priorities they have. In fact, the Bible speaks a lot about finding a church community: It says that a Pastor watches for your soul as one who will give an account, it says you are to regularly gather together, it says you are to develop friendships that enable people to encourage you through frank conversation. Finding a church home is an important decision because you are seeking to publicly identify with the congregation to help it fulfill its mission.

We codify this relationship in church membership. Becoming a church member is simply telling the pastor and the congregation: “you’re my kind of people, and I want to identify with you through our community, and I commit to be mutually accountable to each other.”


  • Give a clear testimony of a point in time when you believed, repented, and confessed Jesus Christ as Savior.

  • Baptism in a Gospel-preaching, like-minded church.

  • Attend and watch Welcome Home 101 - “How to be the best church member you can possibly be”

  • Review and agree to the Church Member Covenant

  • Sit down for a short interview on how God led you to Calvary and why you believe this is “your church.”

Transformation: Regular attender to accountable member.


Character: Christian who desires to identify with the church family, engage and support the ministries of the church, and agree to mutual accountability
Need: I want to be called to greater service and accomplish something greater than what can be done alone.
E - I do not have a church I can identify with nor a place where I can express my spiritual gifts or calling.
I -  I want to found a place where I am accepted and accountable to a family and have a longing to be a "doer" of the word and enabled to express my unique spiritual gifts by service in my local church and to the world
P - Every Christian should belong to a long church from which they can serve and to which they can be accountable. 
Guide: We have all had the desire to belong and to be enabled to serve Christ through the local church love to serve.
Authority: You will be joining a family of over 150 Christians who are expressing the love of Christ in our Church family, local community and throughout the world.
Call to Action: Profession of Faith, Baptized in likeminded church, and Pastor Q&A, and congregational vote.
Transactional Call to Action: N/A
Result: Member joins

Member to Serving

As a Christian, the Lord has gifted you with certain skills and passions that He desires you to use to further His Kingdom. Unfortunately, many Christians have never really thought through what their gifts, much less thought about how these gifts can be used for Christ in practical ways. This leads to frustrated Christians who desire to help but can’t and unproductive churches who are not fulfilling their calling to their community.

Part of the problem is the church. We have a hard time identifying and communicating the needs, recruiting the right people, empowering them with proper training and guidelines, and plugging them into a role that will bless others.

That is why we’ve been slowly we are rolling out a volunteer management system that will empower you and your family to be used in wonderful ways. Here are the next steps you can take to get this process started:

  • Take the spiritual gifts assessment

  • Identify your skills and interests

  • Get connected to the lead ministry volunteer

  • Take the training class

  • Find slots to fill in the schedule

  • Serve and love it!

Transformation: accountable member to a productive and engaged leader


Character: The Member who is ready to engage in active service and support the ministries of the church
Need: I want to catch the vision of how to effectively minister in my church.
     E - I’m not volunteering because I'm unsure how to relate with my fellow volunteers
     I -  I don’t feel like I belong. (outsider, unmotivated, perceived not on the team) I’m hesitant about volunteering because I'm unsure how to relate with my fellow volunteers
     P - I should be able to use my spiritual gifts effectively with church activities and participate in teams
Guide: We have all experienced moments where as a new team member to a team that we felt as if we did not know how to relate to fellow teammates
Authority: You will be joining members that are also seeking to emulate the core values of the church family outlined in the provided training. As a result of this training you will be prepared to volunteer successfully with other team members
Call to Action: Sign up for specific team, Watch video to understand responsibilities, communicate with team leader
Transactional Call to Action: N/A
Result: Team members feel like they are set up for success, unified expectation.

Ladies who are looking for a monthly "night out"

Every lady needs to get away to recharge; something to look forward to each month.

Gives a plan: Click on the 'Going' button below to reserve your space. 2) Share this post with another lady that needs refreshed; 3) come for a night of encouragement.

Ladies Refresher


Giving to Partnering

Intentional Missions Program

We’ve all seen the commercial or the social video that shows the conditions that many people have to face in foreign countries. We can’t help but be “moved with compassion” to see people and nations who experience a bottomless need for help. The problem is that many organizations who provide physical assistance only give a portion of donations to those who are in need. On top of that, these organizations typically only meet physical needs while spiritual needs go unaddressed.

This causes many Christians who have the heart of Christ to help the poor, to either get frustrated or calloused to the need. As Christians, we want to help with the physical needs of those in need, but we also want to make sure they get a clear presentation of the Gospel by someone who loves them and will care for their spiritual well-being.

That is why we are kicking off a missions team workgroup. The purposes of this workgroup are to evaluate our current list of missionaries to determine which ones most align to the heart as a church, (with a priority being placed on national pastors and ministries), to identify the top 10-15 missionaries we should partner with, and to come up with an effective means for developing a deep and meaningful relationship with them through prayer, special offerings, mission-focused services, missions trips, etc.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Kickoff Missions Team (Nov-Jan)

  • Recommendation of new program and policy (End of January)

  • Rollout of new program in February with fundraising drives

  • Update website to accommodate online giving to specific needs

  • Visual board in the church to help people get acquainted with the missionaries

  • One scheduled missions trip

Transformation: Giving out of habit to giving and serving because you love the family and their field.

—- Giving Kiosk —-

Christians desire to financially support missionaries but many times find it difficult to discover the needs of those who are in need. Unfortunately, the only way to give to a special need, sometimes is by physically giving in the church. At Calvary, we desire to support all our missionaries, but also to empower our church members to financially support the Great Commission by giving them an opportunity to connect their desire to give with the real needs on the mission field. 

Through this portal, you can be assured that 100% of the money given is sent directly to our missionaries. And, if you designate a desire to support a specific missionary, we will ensure they get 100% of your offering. 

Kids Ministry

Intentional children’s training

Children today are faced with so many mixed messages and are often inundated by wrong ideas and philosophies causing them to act out in negative ways. We believe that every child deserves to know the truth so that they can become the person God wants them to be. That’s why we would love to come alongside your kids and guide them through this societal minefield. In our children’s program, your kids will:

1) Learn Bible stories and see how these stories apply to their everyday lives.

2) Experience a holistic approach to the Bible which will show them how the themes of the Gospel are intricately woven throughout the entire Bible.

3) Develop a Biblical and moral foundation as well as strong convictions that will enable them to stand against peer pressure.

4) Enable them to be able to take the Bible along with all that they have learned throughout this discipleship program and use these things to critically think through and logically explain why they believe what they believe.

Through using strong teachers and proven curriculum your children will be armed with sound knowledge, uncompromisable character, and a strong relationship with God, these child will leave the CBC children’s program ready to fight the world in a whole different way - prepared!

Transformation: A child who knows Bible stories to a saved child who understand the Gospel and is able to grow in their relationship with Him.